Friday, August 17, 2007

camping out...or should I say in

Ethan got the "Tee-pee Maze Craze" for his birthday from his friend Carson. Well it has been a big hit in our home. It has two tunnels, a tent and a tee-pee...which all folds down so that it's easy to store...which is great for Hawaiian homes that have very little storage space. So Ethan has asked now if he could sleep in his tent for two nights in a row and thinks it's the greatest thing ever. He has all of his blankets, bedding and pillows in there so it's pretty cozy. I personally don't see how he can sleep on the hard floor but I guess at that age they can sleep anywhere.

This is some of their giggling and squeals...of course once I pulled out the camera they stopped. But I did catch the end of Ethan making Jude laugh. It was a lot more funny to watch them chase each other through the tunnel and hear them both giggling...but I have to take what I can get.

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