Tuesday, August 28, 2007

the bradley lives on

Jason just sent me this. I can't believe his old car is still running. Jason sold it about 8 months ago but I guess the current owner is done with it already. It is easily identifiable because of the bazillion bumper stickers on it. They just don't make cars like that anymore.

Check it out


Anne said...

That's too funny! I saw it in Kailua town about a month ago.

Our neighbors have one similar to it, but it's painted camouflage green. I just love it when it's parked in front of our house. ;-)

Momathon said...

The Bradley can't be stopped!

Anonymous said...

Long live the Bradley--a surfer's dream car. Mom H

Clay said...

laughing...in virginia.

before you guys had it - when we actually lived on the same street as THE bradleys - i would get off the road if i saw that thing coming...mr. bradley should NOT have been driving that thing...whoa...scary memories