Tuesday, July 31, 2007
brain overload
So on to my post title...I am a slow processor and this book had a lot packed into it...hence the title "brain overload". I do process so much better discussing something one on one (not in a group because before I can get my thought together the group has moved onto something else and what I had to say wouldn't make sense anymore). So I am glad that Colleen and I got to discuss it. It is shocking to me that this aggression in young girls is real and not just in the movies (Mean Girls). It was sad to read because these young girls (and the author) are lost and hopeless...with no real answers...just things to blame - parents, society, teachers, not having "tools" to deal with it, not being empowered enough...and missing the only answer...Christ...and the hope that He brings through his promises to us.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
What great Hope and Peace!
I am thankful that Christ gives me purpose and fulfillment.
This book helped me to see that:
1) I am not far from these girls as far as the sin and selfishness I have in my heart
2) There is a lot of hurt and lost people in this world that need to hear the Good News of the Gospel
3) Thankfulness that God calls me his child and that even through my sin, his love is never failing
4) I don't need to live up to someones expectations or search what completes me in this world...God "fulfills his purpose for me." Psalm 57:2
5) God has given me all kinds of friends...mean, nice, listeners, talkers, shallow, deep, compassionate, moody, loving...all have taught me many things about myself, who God is and how I am to treat and love others. I define myself in Christ, not by who is my friend or how I have been treated by my friends.
Monday, July 30, 2007
we all scream for ice cream...
Friday, July 27, 2007
yummy salsa

Thursday, July 26, 2007
herbs, herbs and more herbs

My favorite herb is basil (a friend of mine made some really yummy pesto with her fresh basil so it has inspired me), my second is cilantro (you can't make fresh salsa without it) which I am still looking for and my third is mint (my neighbor had a plant from the grocery store...we'll see if it makes it...but Mojitos can only be made with the fresh stuff). I planted these in the shade and thought later that wasn't such a good idea (since the instructions say full sun) but full sun in Hawaii is way different (a lot more intense) than other places and so far they seem to like the shade.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
for book lover's
It gives a list of sites that have the book you want (and the price they are selling it for) and then it offers coupons for different discounts. I just bought a used book ($14 value) for 7 bucks and then didn't have to pay for shipping. It's great.
So maybe many of you know of this site already but for people like me who love bargains....I wanted to pass it along.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
happy 7 years
7- 7 minutes it takes us to walk to the beach from our house without having to pay a million dollar mortgage...
6- six different cars (yes we have gone through quite a few...of all colors purple, green, red, black/gold)...
5- five great family vacations...Niagara Falls, NY; Hilton Head, SC; Nassau, Bahamas; Barbers Point, HI and Prince Edward Island, Canada for our honeymoon...
4- four different homes that we've lived in that God provided...and each always met all of our needs at the time...
3- three wonderful churches that we have been members of since we got married...with many wonderful friends that have challenged us, taught us, laughed with us, cried with us and just had many great times of fellowship with...
2- two little boys that God has blessed us with...
1- one very loving, thoughtful, strong, compassionate, amazing father, thinker, hard worker and friend...my husband Jason.
I love you honey and look forward to the many years ahead! Happy Anniversary!

This isn't the best picture...but it is the most recent. I guess we need to take a few pictures of the two of us more often...and that is not my new hair-do...maybe I shouldn't put a picture in for this post.
hooray for pre-K

-I need to pray for patience this year because I know that I am not patient when it comes to having to repeat myself.
-I pray too that I will have clarity in how I'm teaching so that it will make sense from a 4 year old's point of view.
-I pray that I will be able to create an excitement for learning so that he looks forward to school time.
-And I pray that God will give me wisdom to set a solid foundation to build on, so that Ethan will have a grasp of God's amazing Love and Grace in our lives. That he will be able to see God in and through all aspects of our life.

I am thankful that God gives us the intellect to learn. It will be hard for me to not boast in the accomplishments of my children and pat myself on the back...but to remember that any knowledge that we gain is from God alone. I am just the vessel that He uses.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
i'm a country boy

Believe it or not Jude is wearing his Grandpa's jeans...the jeans Dwight wore when he was a little boy. He is the 5th Wood boy to wear them...or at least he just tried them on. It's a bit too hot here to wear jeans but I had to put them on him before he got too big. So to top it all off he is also wearing the shirt Jason wore as a little boy with "I'm a country boy" on the front.

Is that a 'country boy' pose or what...he even has the little farmers tan.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
'ice cream cheeks'

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
splish, splash

Saturday, July 14, 2007
Makapu'u lighthouse

We went to see some of the sights today before Jason headed out of town. We've always wanted to hike the trail up to the Makapu'u Lighthouse and finally had some time this morning. The views were amazing. We decided it would be easier to take the stroller up the hill since the trail was paved...so I was glad that Jason was there to push it. I was a bit winded, sweating like crazy and just had my camera to carry. But it was worth it...to see all the views at the top. It's amazing to me that this is all 20 minutes from our house.
more pics

Thursday, July 12, 2007
adventures with the kiddo's
Bubbles is Jude's new favorite thing. He can even say the word, which is the cutest thing ever...we just have to work on the actual blowing air through the wand part. He would end up chewing on the wand and getting bubbles all over his face. But it kept him busy.

Ethan discovered that pretend play is pretty fun. He found the play cell phone and as he was walking by me he said "my phone is ringing". He then pulled it out of his pocket and continued to have a conversation with someone while walking around. He would then come back and tell me who it was and what they said on the phone.

Jason would come and have some quick play times and snuggles with the boys in between activities...which was a nice break for me. Small spaces tend to give me cabin fever.

I tried to get a picture of Ethan's dirty feet because that was basically what the boys looked like all week. It was hard to get away from the red dirt that seemed to be everywhere on Moloka'i...you should have seen our white rental car. No matter how many baths and beach times we had, they always ended up with orange dirt stains from head to toe...I am in the process of scrubbing and washing clothes as we speak.
And thankfully Ben brought his wife Dawn and their little girl Naomi. So Dawn and I hung out quite a bit...many trips to the local grocery store to get food for the group, playing at the beach, and trying to get our kids to nap. It was nice to have another mom there to relate to and laugh with...even when we were completely exhausted.

Sunday, July 08, 2007
II Corinthians 11:30
"If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness." II Corin. 11:30
...so that the glory would be brought to God and not to myself. Because through him am I able to do anything at all.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy Independence Day

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
1st haircut

the slippery slope