Saturday, December 20, 2008

December 20

Half Lit Up Christmas Tree

For some reason half of our Christmas lights on the tree went out. At this point I am not going to "re-string" our tree so it will just have to look pathetic for Christmas. Kind of a bummer.

**UPDATE** the lights work again. That happens a lot here in Hawaii...a consequence to not having temperature/moisture controlled homes. We've had DVD players, car windows and computers stop working and a few days later "fix" themselves and work again. I guess that salt/moist air doesn't mix well with electronics or anything motorized.

1 comment:

Malia said...

I think we bought our trees the same year from the same place! Ours lost the lights on the very top and the very bottom. So, we just have a sort of lit tree. I am not going to fix it at this point either. I'm glad yours started working again.