Saturday, December 13, 2008

December 13

Sinus Relief

Okay this has nothing to do with Christmas but it is what is going on in my life right now. Not sure if anyone has heard of a Neti Pot but this little bottle is basically the same idea...and to a pregnant women whose sinuses feel like they might explode and can't take any medication for relief, it is a life saver. A bit weird to use because as you're squirting saline water up your nose it is pouring out your other nostril. Jason still won't watch me rinse my nasal passages but boy does it feel clean in there when I'm done.

And because I am feeling under the weather I missed out on seeing the theatrical production of Peter Pan with Ethan last night at Diamond Head Theatre. A friend gave us free tickets, so Jason took him instead and he said that Ethan loved it and laughed through the whole play. It was a late night (they got home at 11pm) but Ethan said he loved watching "Peter Pants" and "Tinkle Bell".


Anne said...

Sorry you're sick. We're big fans of the neti pot around here. It's gross, but it works.

Anonymous said...

I have that same brand, but since I'm not actually sick, it hasn't helped me with my pregnancy related breathing issues. Though I have apparently stopped snoring, which is a good thing.

Momathon said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. I'm so glad Ethan made it through the whole play! I was wondering if they would last that long. I thought Captain Hook was GREAT.

Anonymous said...

Peter Pants--Ethan has such a way with words. Hope you get to feeling better--SOON. Mom H

Anonymous said...

We just got on of those too!!!!