Monday, November 10, 2008

proof of fall

I found a tree here in Hawaii that actually has leaves that turn bright red and fall off the tree (not sure what kind of tree it is). It grows right outside the school where Jason works. So I grabbed my camera and told Ethan about it (because the whole seasons thing to him doesn't make any in a place where everything stays green and the weather never changes). Part of me wanted to scoop the leaves in a pile and jump in them with the kids...but you never know where the centipedes are here (do click on the link....they are c-r-e-e-p-y), and that looked like a nice hiding spot for them. We may not have snakes here in Hawaii but I fear these just as much. I have yet to come face to face with one and hope I never have to.

As I looked more closely at the tree I noticed that it actually had green buds all over it where new leaves were already growing. So I guess it was more like it was shedding it's old leaves so the new ones could grow, but to Ethan it was Fall.
And then on our way home the view of the sun setting on the mountains was just too beautiful to not pull out my camera and try to snap a few pictures. I must say though that the camera just didn't do it just to remind you, you really need to come visit so you can see it in person.


bobw said...


keep a lookout for cheap flights for next fall (from CHA or ATL) and lemme know if you see anything :-)

ERH said...

that last picture is amazing...I wish we could come visit!

Jess said...

Ok - I thought the mountain was on fire before I read what you wrote - that is so amazing!

Joc said...

So happy you found a little piece of fall. I wish I could send you some of our leaves and crisp weather. And maybe some campfire smell too. :)

Anonymous said...

Your pictures really are amazing - so I'm sure it's even better in person! I agree with Jess - I really thought that the last picture was a fire! You must have to always take your camera with you wherever you go!

Anonymous said...

The tree leaves are beautiful colors. Really like the "fire" mountain. Nice!!! Mom H

Anonymous said...

the pictures are amazing! that centipede is crazy huge, too. i guess it is a small price for living in such a beautiful place.