Tuesday, April 15, 2008

what do you get....

What do you get with a $10 plastic pool from Kmart, a Playskool slide and water? An instant water park and apparently tons of fun. Since we'll be spending a lot more time at home (I'm not brave enough to venture out with 3 kids by myself yet) I was trying to think of inexpensive things that would entertain Ethan and Jude and also get some of that crazy energy out (if I could only bottle it and sell it....). Forget all of the pools with inflatable sides and built in slides and water sprayers. All they really want is a container big enough to hold them and water.

And for those of you that are wondering, Baby J is doing really well. For a newborn he's amazingly good. I am a pessimist when it comes to newborns, so I just keep waiting for the day when he starts acting like a newborn with the crying and not taking good naps, etc. Although I must say that battery operated swings are the greatest invention of all mankind. I think I will go this afternoon to stock up on batteries because he is a sleeping champ in it...that and the swandle blanket.


Jess said...

I have been praying for you and your family as you adjust to having a newborn. It would be nice to have a newborn but not all the crazy hormone adjustments at the same time. What an exciting time! The boys look like they are having a blast! Some of my favorite memories as a child are in the backyard with a pool very similar.

Joc said...

I wanna come splash with them!