Tuesday, October 09, 2007

fun in the sun

I had MOP's (Mothers of Preschoolers) this morning but we had to skip it because we are still on the mend from our colds....bummer. One thing I have discovered from living in Hawaii is the healing "powers" of the beach for respiratory infections. The salt air is the best natural dehumidifier and the salt water is like saline nose drops. Although it's not (get it?...snot) a pretty sight to see, it helps with breathing for little ones. So we had fun this morning soaking in the sun and playing in the water.

We found an abandoned sand castle which is always a big hit...because they can demolish it without anyone getting upset.

You can tell the winter season is approaching here in Hawaii because the beach was practically empty today...except for the few walkers/joggers that ventured out on such a "cold" day. Being 81 degrees it's hard to enjoy the beach in such cold weather.

Ethan found a vine laying on the beach and realized it to be the best toy ever...forget all the cool beach toys.

We've had some cloudy weather and rain over the past week, so it was nice to be in the sunshine...I don't know if Jude felt the same way.

It's days like this that I love living in Hawaii. It's the best back yard in the world. Besides the cold water and the fact that I got stung by a Man-o-war 4 times today (3 times by one man-o-war...not smart I know....the tentacles on those things are really long), it was a great day.


Anonymous said...

Ouch! I can't believe you got stung 4x. I guess he was in the shallow water? I love the picture of Jude with his lip sticking out. I hope the salt and fresh air do clear up the sinuses. I love your backyard!

Joc said...

I love that first picture of Ethan. Although, all of them make me long for a beach vacation! Miss you-

Krista said...

You are such a mom of boys...It's not (snot) funny!

I'm in the Mills computer lab procrastinating from my homework assignment and reading about old Cov friends and missing you. I'd love to see you in action as a mommy -- I bet you are awesome!

Keep up the good work, Erin.

Anonymous said...

I would love to have a backyard like that, especially if you were nearby. The beach is good medicine. The boys look like they are having a great time. Can you see the man-o-wars in the water? How bad are the stings--like bee or wasp stings or worse--especially 4x? The pictures are so cute. Mom H

Malia said...

Okay, if I didn't miss Hawaii and your family before, than I really miss you all now! What super photos! Lily and Sarah loved looking at them. The only thing that stopped them from whining about visiting was when I told them about the sting that you got. love, malia