Monday, January 31, 2011

sorry no pictures

Here is just a run down of our past week. I have no pictures to show for any of it so I'll try to make it as interesting as I can:

Jason took a trip to the mainland (Charlotte, NC) to defend his thesis at Reformed Theological Seminary. He passed with flying colors and is an official graduate with a Masters of Religion degree. We are so excited for him to finally be finished...I have gained all this wonderful knowledge!

While he was away, the kiddo's and I had much planned...

-movie nights-with popcorn and smoothies
-bike rides-for the boys that is, Ansley and I strolled behind them
-going to the park...for PE that is, I played soccer and basketball with Ethan and later realized that probably wasn't the smartest thing-being 6 months pregnant and all, not sure what came over me
-friend get-togethers-we hosted a ladies cooking event, my friend Kathy taught us how to make a variety of mochi, gave us a lesson in pidgin/Hawaiian history and we laughed and talked A LOT.
-school lessons-we managed to stay on task with our school work
-hosted a baby shower for a friend-sweet baby boy Eli joined us and once again we enjoyed eating, drinking tea and laughing and talking A LOT.
-got some sewing done-got motivated to sew again, and had a couple orders for my Aloha bears
-did some baking-cookies, bread, scones, Yum!
-had lunch at a friends house
-had our small group over for pot-luck/fellowship night

Jason came back Sunday night...but very sick. So we quickly hugged him, gave him some NyQuil and he went straight to bed. He is now on antibiotics for a sinus infection and very glad to be home in sunny/warm Hawaii.

Hopefully I will remember to bring my camera out and get some pictures posted soon.


Anonymous said...

A huge congratulations to Jason!!! I know how hard he worked for that degree, and I don't know how he did it with the more than full time job he has!

We miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Jason!!! You are an amazing young man. We are very proud of you. Get well. Joanie