Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Matthew study

As I was preparing for my Bible study for tomorrow night I read this quote:

"Apart from repentance we will all resist Jesus."

I talk to my children all day about repentance and truly being sorry, but then I don't examine my own heart and truly see my need for repentance. But that is what Jesus' message is "Repent, for the Kingdom of God is near." (Matthew 4:17) It's not about showing God my list of things that I do...but it's simply- repent out of a broken and contrite heart. Then the Holy Spirit can help me to bear fruit (Matthew 3:8) that brings glory to God.

Such a good reminder...how easily I forget the gospel message.


Anonymous said...

It is easy to forget so much about God's Word unless we are constantly and consistently in His Word. It is easy to preach it to others than actually doing it ourselves. Wise and true words. Mom

valthecraftygal said...

very true very good! thanks!