Sunday, November 29, 2009

11 months

I can't believe next month we will be taking her 1 year picture. Some would be sad that their baby is growing up. Not me, I enjoy each stage and look forward to a new one. It's fun to see her little personality come out, see her more independent in getting around, comprehending more of what we say to her and finding new ways to communicate with us (usually by whining or crying...we have to work on that one), wanting to be entertained by her brothers (especially when they try to get her to laugh...because you know older brothers are quite funny), humors us by giving her little courtesy laugh and loves to smile at anyone who will look her way. She is typically pretty content (except last week when we were battling the worst diaper rash in history...more to come on that). It's hard to remember what our family was like before God gave us this little munchkin...we definitely love her to pieces.

Had to put that picture in there...sad isn't it? This was the week of diaper rash...(to be continued).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That bear is either shrinking or that munchkin is growing like crazy. Happy 11th month birthday Ansley. Love, Mimi