I know most of my posts are centered around my kids and all that they're up to lately but I thought I would take a post to write about my husband. While I was looking at some pictures I had just taken lately, I started to think of all of the ways my husband loves me and his boys. With low energy (which sometimes results in low patience) and the demands of little children I tend to take for granted all of great things my husband does...and actually tend to focus on the frustrating things rather than his great strengths. So I wanted to share what a great husband and father Jason is:
This particular night I ran to get a picture because I thought it was cute to see Jason with his boys...but he was actually out taking them for a walk so I could have a moment of peace. He's very thoughtful about making sure I have some time to be "refreshed". He never says no to watching the boys so I can go out for whatever reason, and never makes me feel guilty for leaving him alone with our two little guys. He does great with them and they love their daddy.
If he knows I have a lot to do he asks what he can do whether it's cleaning a bathroom or getting the dishes done. And when I'm out for the evening I always come home to a picked up house...which is so wonderful!

He drives this beat-up car around and I have not heard him complain once about it. It smells so awful and has no air-conditioning. I know that he would rather have a great car but never shows us that he is discontent. I know that he is thankful for the car God provided and I am thankful that he is willing to make these sacrifices for his family.
His goal in his job is to show the love of Christ to the families and kids of Trinity Church and School. He serves in ways that people will never know and although it has it's frustrations and difficult circumstances I am thankful that Jason has loved the challenge.
I am thankful that Jason is teachable. Although he may resist it at times he tries to see and understand how God is trying to teach him and grow him into more of a godly man. He has pride just like every human being but he is not so stubborn that he thinks he doesn't need to change in any way. He will be such a great example to our boys...especially in how to be godly men and leaders.
When our boys were waking up in the middle of the night as infants, Jason would wake up every single time with me even though he couldn't do the feeding. He would change their diaper, bring them to me and then put them back to bed when they finished nursing.
He loves to do things outdoors. His new adventures are surfing and kayaking. I know he's looking forward to when the boys are bigger and he can take them camping, surfing, etc.
When I've had an exhausting day and we crash on the couch at the end of it to watch some TV or read a book. He will volunteer to rub my feet.
Jason is a very handy guy. He is great at fixing most things....whether it's a clogged sink, a broken water pipe under ground or fixing some part of the engine of the car. My dad was a very handy guy and I am glad that my husband has that gift also.
Another thing I hope our children will get from their dad is his love for learning. I hope that he isn't in school his whole life, but I am thankful that he likes to keep his brain sharp and gain in his knowledge of God, himself and this world.
So although he is not perfect (nor is any human being...especially myself)- he is a great husband, a great father and a great friend. I am thankful that God has brought us together...to share in all of the joys and sorrows of life....the frustrations and the teachable moments.