Tuesday, April 06, 2010

gardening kick

I've been on a gardening/organizing/refurbishing furniture kick lately. So here are some pictures of my gardening efforts...more posts and pictures to come.

Strawberry plants which are actually doing very well here.

Lettuce and Spinach...just the lettuce has sprouted so far.

Our pineapple plant (from the top of a pineapple I bought, cut up and then planted) that has been growing for almost a year now...it takes about 18 months for one pineapple to grow. About 7-8 months to go!Cilantro and marjoram...cilantro is one of my favorite herbs!And the biggest tomato plant I have ever been able to grow here. Have you heard of the Topsy Turvy tomato planter? It really works! We have tons of blooms and I can't wait to eat some fresh tomatoes...I think I might just go out and buy a couple more of these.


Anonymous said...

What a green thumb. I bought 2 topsy turvy
tomato containers. I hope mine turn out as well. Mom

Joc said...

Well, I'm glad your topsy turvy works well. We got one as a gift last year and it totally bombed. We will NOT be trying it again. Maybe it just needs Hawaii's tropical air!

And our strawberries are covered with blooms too! We bought them last year and never pulled them up and they are flowering again- I never knew they did that!
I've never tried spinach, so I can't wait to hear out it goes.
And also, I can't seem to get cilantro to do well for me, it must need Hawaiin air too!

I love your gardening updates!

Anonymous said...

What kind of tomato did you plant?
I hope things work out better than Jocelyn's did. Mom