Thursday, April 15, 2010

exam day

Today Jason took his exam for his Hebrew class which means....HE'S DONE!!! Can you tell we're a bit excited about it? This class was by far the hardest and most time consuming of his classes for his seminary degree. Learning another language is hard enough but when you're teaching yourself a language that doesn't even use English letters and is actually written backwards from the way we can be a bit tricky. So all that to say "We're so proud of you Jason/daddy for finishing strong!" And since we had a little time to waste this afternoon we decided to take pictures of our excitement.


Anonymous said...

Hip, hip hooray!!!! Way to go Jason. Congratulations. Did I hear a big sigh of relief? Mom/Mimi

Joc said...

Congrats, Jason! Amazing accomplishment!

marnie said...

way to go Jason!! We are very happy for all of you.