Monday, March 08, 2010

speed, I am speed

Our neighbor has a little bike that is called a Skuut bike and it is made without the hope that the child riding it can learn to balance without having all of the other things, like pedaling, to think about. And as I've held onto the back of many bikes (okay really just Ethan's) the balancing part seems to be the tricky part of learning how to ride a bike. Well thankfully our neighbor doesn't mind Jude riding the bike around...which he does all the time...because her daughter doesn't like to ride it anyway. So I had to video tape him speeding around on it because he's quite fast. It makes me laugh to watch because it kind of resembles those cartoons where the characters feet are spinning in circles while its speeding away. As you can see it has helped Jude with the balance thing and maybe riding a bike WITH pedals is in his future.


Ryan said...

I was having a really hard time picturing what you were talking about until I watched the video. That is pretty funny!

Anonymous said...

Gee, Jude is so speedy. I loved the crash at the end. Ethan does well on his big boy bike.

Anonymous said...

No brakes either, eh? :)
