Friday, March 12, 2010

the big 4

It seems to me that we have skipped a year in Jude's age...what I'm really trying to say is, how can he be 4 already? Wasn't he just 2? Today is Jude's birthday. This content, inquisitive, silly humored, cuddly, observant, speedy, serious, easily distracted, really looks up to his older brother, loves his little sister, gives his mama great smooches and his daddy great big bear hugs little boy of ours is growing up way too fast these days. God sure did give us a great little kid. Not that he is perfect but he's great because he is our Jude. As Jason always says "We've got the coolest kids."I must say it is really hard to get a picture of Jude where he is smiling and looking at the camera all at the same time. So these are the best of the best.
This is the pre-party to the main party which will take place on Sunday afternoon. More to come...


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Jude. I agree you do have cool kids. But then this is Mimi agreeing to that comment. Two birthdays--pretty nice. Mimi

Joc said...

Wow- I can't believe he's 4. Amazing! Happy Birthday Jude!

Jolene said...

Happy B'day, Jude! 4 is a great age. I'm with you, Erin, the days and weeks are gone in a blink. Love them up.