Thursday, March 11, 2010

funny kids

A couple of funny things said by my kids this week:

Ethan was singing Jesus Loves the Little Children to Ansley and this is what I overheard:

"Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, red, GREEN, yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight..."

I think he is following in his daddy's footsteps because I see a future sci-fi fan forming in our house.

Jude has developed a love for puzzles lately and he has outgrown the wooden puzzles where you can easily predict the shape that is needed for the space. So I think he is quite surprised by himself when he can put together a cardboard puzzle where you have to match up the picture to figure out what piece goes next. So earlier this week he went through all of our "harder" puzzles and came to me with much excitement proclaiming "Mommy, I did these puzzles all by myself!!!" To which I replied "Wow, Jude! You're such a good puzzle maker." (not the smartest sounding comment but I was a bit distracted by cooking dinner and that was all I could think of at the moment). To which Jude replied "Yeah, I want to be a puzzle maker when I grow up!" Do colleges have a B.A. degree in Puzzlemaking?

And not to leave Ansley out...this week she has learned that if she says very loudly with her mouth open very wide "Ta-taaaaaaa" (translation "ta-da") with her arms way out to the side, she can get everyone within hearing distance to look at her, smile and laugh. Not sure who taught her that one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, how cute!! She is going to be the family clown. PHD Puzzlemaker for Jude. Has Ethan been watching the Hulk? Or maybe those frozen vegetables from Jolly Green Giant. Thanks for these sweet little tidbits that grandparents love to hear--and probably other followers of your blog. Mimi