Saturday, March 27, 2010


Today Ethan's Sparks club had their big game day called Sparks-a-Rama. They had 3 separate Saturday practices and Ethan was counting down the days since the beginning of March. We got up at the early hour of 7am so we could get over there by 8am...which included stopping for a cup of iced coffee so I could stay awake. But with all of the screaming and cheering, falling asleep wasn't a problem. I loved seeing how they worked as a team, encouraging each other and not putting down someone if they failed to win a competition. So in the end his team got 1st place. As we were walking out I told Ethan how fun it was that they got 1st place. And he replied by saying that they didn't get 1st place because they were the last ones called up to receive their reward. So after trying to explain how they start with last place and then 3rd place, 2nd place, etc. to build suspense, I finally just had to show him the 1st place on his ribbon before he finally believed me. Funny kid...he still had fun even when he thought they came in last.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Ethan. Keeping hiding God's Word in your heart. Mimi