What is Ansley up to these days you ask? She really likes to stand all by herself now, so I'm thinking maybe walking will be sooner rather than later for this active little girl. She now has 7 teeth and one on the way. She has learned to cry or scream if the boys are a little too much in her space. And she continues to get into everything she can...and now has figured out how to open up cabinet doors. She has really good fine motor skills but isn't too keen on the talking or babbling thing yet. She just smiles at us while we say "ba-ba", "ma-ma" or "da-da", trying to get her to repeat after us.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
9 months old
What is Ansley up to these days you ask? She really likes to stand all by herself now, so I'm thinking maybe walking will be sooner rather than later for this active little girl. She now has 7 teeth and one on the way. She has learned to cry or scream if the boys are a little too much in her space. And she continues to get into everything she can...and now has figured out how to open up cabinet doors. She has really good fine motor skills but isn't too keen on the talking or babbling thing yet. She just smiles at us while we say "ba-ba", "ma-ma" or "da-da", trying to get her to repeat after us.
Monday, September 28, 2009
two front teeth
Sunday, September 27, 2009
who done it?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
happy birthday to me...

So I got to spend my birthday with my family, kids, husband and friends. I feel loved and blessed. What a great day it was!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
snort face

Not sure why kids go through this stage of scrunching up their faces and blowing in and out of their nose really fast...well maybe it's just my kids that do this. But it's almost like a developmental milestone for my kids. I remember when each of them went through this stage, and every time it makes us all laugh...which is maybe why Ansley does it all the time. It's definitely a sure way to get attention from everyone.
And just so you know that her face didn't get stuck like that, here's a picture with her bro Ethan...and a normal looking expression/smile.

Friday, September 18, 2009
hair cut
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
what we've been up to...
Anyhow, I thought I would give a run down of what we've been up to since I have absolutely no pictures on my camera right now...a first for me. This has been quite the busy week for us but we've managed to make it to Wednesday and we're still plugging along. Thankfully this busy-ness is not the norm for us but just happened to be that way this week.
- The boys started Awana this week. Jude is now in Cubbies (3 and 4 year olds) and I am a helper in his class. Thankfully all I have to do is hand out snacks. Ansley gets to hang out in the nursery and apparently she was trying to eat everyones Cheerios...we really do feed her, I promise.
- I am planning a tea for the ladies in our church for this Sunday and am actually really excited about it. Just trying not to go overboard and get overwhelmed by all the planning. Scones, tea cups, tea sandwiches, linens, lemon curd, oh my!
- Ansley has gotten herself into quite a few predicaments lately....she is the type of baby that all those baby proofing gadgets were invented for.
- I cut my hair...again. I gave myself bangs. You would think I would have learned by now not to make major hair decisions at night when there are no salons open to fix what I have done. At least it grows back.
- Jason and I are planning a murder mystery dinner at our house for the 9th graders at his school. It's called Lethal Luau and should be an interesting night.
- I have been sewing a lot lately...4 bear orders, 2 bags, and a book holder project for our friends the "Caw-wins" and a t-shirt quilt for Jason (my friend Jess made one for her hubby...so I'm copying her idea).
- We're plugging along in school with Ethan and we've seemed to find a good schedule that works around Ansley's naps. Jude has his little activity books and projects to work on, so that he feels a part of things.
- Jason is almost done with his Greek class for seminary. Yeah! 3 more classes to go and he will be done with his Masters.
- We're planning a planetarium visit this week to go along with our Astronomy study. We were looking at the Big Dipper in the sky the other night and we actually saw a shooting 'star'...which we had just talked about that day in science. Ethan turned to me and said with amazement, "mommy, we keep seeing things that we just learned about."
- We've finally found a food that Ansley has turned her nose up to...green beans. I felt bad that we kept feeding her spoonfuls just so we could laugh at her funny faces.
- We've had 3 different gatherings/dinners at our house in the past 5 days...it does wonders for keeping a clean house.
- I had to pay my first parking ticket (ever) today. Apparently my appeal didn't cause them to feel sorry for me and dismiss it....they made me pay it anyway.
Well if you made it this far, good job. Probably a little too much information but it was fun to think back over the past week and remember what we've been up to.
Monday, September 14, 2009
the planet song
Thursday, September 10, 2009
just a little geeky
And as far as the dance moves, I don't know whose side of the family that comes from. Tee, Hee.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
1st day of school

This year we will be doing the basics: math, phonics, grammar, handwriting. Then we will do a bit of astronomy (which we learned comes from aster-meaning stars and onomoy-meaning knowledge of...not to be confused with astrology), learning our states and capitals, and some art.
So to kick off our year we met up with Jason at his school and had lunch with him.

Monday, September 07, 2009
Friday, September 04, 2009
beach lover
This one is a bit long but if you want to see a cute little baby crawling around at the beach, it's worth the watch. She has finally stopped eating the sand every second she gets and now just seems to enjoy the freedom to go where she wants...or until she goes a little too far into the water. If you watch til the end you can see Jason throw his cup, full of soda, up the beach to rescue Ansley from a wave...okay it's not that dramatic but I didn't remember him doing that until I watched the video again. She's a little timid of the water but instead of high tailing it out of there when a wave comes, she just freezes and then gets all wet.

My little "surfer" My treasure hunter
My little water baby
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Boys: What kind of scooters are those? (in a mocking sort of "we have Razor Scooters" kind of voice)
Ethan: (having no category for name brands he looks at his scooter, shrugs his shoulders and says) I have the folder kind. (meaning: his folds in half)
Boys: (looking at each other puzzled and at a loss for words...but didn't want to be one-upped...they reply) Well we have folders too.
After a lull everyone rode off in different directions...Ethan still unaware that there was a difference and the other boys probably still thinking they had the better scooter.