I just learned how to cut mangoes the right way a couple of days ago. Usually when I would buy them I would end up wasting a lot of the fruit because most of it was left on the center seed. But now that I know how to cut it we eat it at our house like it is candy....except Jason of course. So I thought I would share what I've learned.

First you cut off the end to see which way the seed is facing...the seed in the middle is actually flat. I didn't know that before.

Then you slice off the side next to the seed.

Next you slice off the other side leaving a thin slice with the seed in it.

Then you score the fruit in the peel, like you would an avocado. And flip the skin inside out.

Then cut the scored pieces off and there you have a cut up mango fruit...which is the most addicting fruit I have ever eaten. Thank goodness it is mango season here in Hawaii.

Here is a video clip of my boys enjoying their cut up mango. I promise I do feed them. This is actually right after they had dinner...but that's just how much we love mango around here.
I never knew the seed was flat! I always cut off the sides, but I always wondered why sometimes it worked better than others. Genius! Thanks for sharing!
I haven't tried fresh mango here but I buy the dried mango. Guess I will give the fresh a try. How do you know when it is a good mango to eat? Mom H
That was hilarious! I love your line, "Are you chewing it?" ;-)
Mango season is the best, isn't it? One more Sunday and then we're back for fellowship. Miss you all. I am yet to pat your tummy!
I've always had a hard time cutting a mango. Very excited about you tutorial! I always feel like I'm wasting fruit and making a huge mess. Thanks!
Okay, I know this post has been up for a few days, but each time I read the title I think of a Frank Delima tape my parents used to listen to. He is a local comedian in Hawaii and he is funny. He was talking to his wife and said, "What, Lucile, you goin leave me now? Mango season not pau!" I had a horse that loved mangos and he ate them almost as quickly as your boys. He would take the whole thing in his mouth skin, seed and all. A few chews later, out would fly a very clean seed.
Thanks for the tip! We love mangoes too, but I always waste so much of it...not anymore!!
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