As much as I wish I had a green thumb, I think I have finally admitted that it is anything but green. I have all these great plans of beautiful flowers, herbs and vegetables. But they always end up like the pictures above. They do so well for about 2 weeks and then it's down hill from there. The first picture would have been a beautiful Zinnia, that even had a bud before it wilted and died. And the second, a tomato plant, looked promising until it wilted a died. But it actually had about 3 tiny tomatoes on it before it turned brown and fell over. Maybe one day when I have the right yard or the time to remember to water it when I'm supposed to and tend to it...maybe. I guess right now I can just admire other peoples hard work.
ah, a kindred spirit. we both have brown thumbs, much to our chagrin.
I too have come to conclude "oh well" and move on. at least the neighbors have nice stuff to look at :-)
Even though I seem to be able to make things grow in the backyard, my green thumb turns brown the second anything enters my house. I kill all houseplants. No joke. Which is why we have none...
I actually didn't plant any outside flowers this year, because of the same reason. I get all excited about planting them and how pretty the yard will look, and then 3 weeks later I'm tired of watering them and they die. I need something low maintenance and someone else to water them:)
If it's any consolation, I have the right yard, and an automatic sprinkler system, and my garden is pretty sad.
Steve put in a watering system which is on a timer...it automatically waters every morning at 5am. It's the only way I can keep it alive! Anything in pots is dead after a couple weeks, though!
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