Saturday, March 15, 2008

I love cold winter weather

A lot of people warned me how cold we would be when we visited the mainland in the middle of winter. They told me that I would be miserable and would hate cold weather. Well it was just the opposite. I love cold weather! I love drinking hot beverages because you want to warm up...not sweat more. I love wearing sweaters and socks and shoes. I love not having to shave my legs...yes a razor did not touch my legs the whole 3 weeks we were there. I love that I didn't sweat once while we were there. I love that we played more games together and had more family time because we had no choice but to be inside. I love that my skin dried out and peeled off...I have the softest skin now and didn't have to pay all the big bucks to go to a spa to have it done...not that I would go to a spa.

But then again...having a day like this in the middle of winter...with fresh air and sunshine...maybe I'm okay with not having cold weather.


Anonymous said...

Being on the beach looks good to me. You had your cake and ate it too--cold and hot weather. Perfect combination. I am looking forward to spring--I see signs everywhere. Mom H

Krista said...

Erin, I know the feeling! Granted, I only lived on the Big Island for a semester, but I was tired of sweating and being hot and shaving all the time! I missed sweaters and pants and that feeling of warming up when you come inside.

...but now I miss the beach and warm days all the time. Eh, such is life, right? You always miss what's unavailable.