Friday, February 01, 2008

a great day to fly a kite?

Ethan and Jude got this great kite for Christmas from our neighbors. I'm not sure who was more excited to fly the Stealth F-117 Nighthawk with a 52" wingspan, Ethan or Jason.

After I reminded Jason that this was the boys kite, he let them have a turn at flying it.

First Ethan......and then Jude got a turn.

The strong gusts of wind from the ocean were a bit scary at times and after the kite did a few low ground swoops, which caused mass chaos and us yelling to our children RUN, RUN....we then decided maybe it was a little too windy. The last straw was a very strong gust of wind blowing the string out of Jason's hand and blowing the kite all the way down the field with Jason running as fast as he could after it. I would have put up pictures except I was laughing too hard and didn't get a picture of it.

This is what the strong gusts caused as well...enormous waves. Before we left I went to snap a few pictures of the waves and we ended up seeing some whales swimming around (whale season is from February-March)...quite a treat. So even though it wasn't a great day for flying a kite it was still a pretty fun day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a shock to see green grass ,kite flying, and people in shorts and no winter coats. We got 6-7 inches of snow Thursday.Friday. Mom H