A great night of fun and way too much candy.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
race car drivers and a 'lil pumpkin
A great night of fun and way too much candy.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
time for a re-cap
~So I'll start with last Friday when the fever bug hit Jude. He had a pretty high temp and I feared the H1N1, but thankfully it was a regular old virus and made a very active Jude into a very lethargic Jude. Now he is back to his normal digging in the dirt, riding his scooter, playing trains-self again. But before he recouped, he thought it would be nice to pass it along to his brother and sister as well. Thankfully it didn't hit them as hard and everyone is on the mend.
~I sewed 3 bears this last week for a friend of mine at church who wanted to give them to her nieces. So with that money I bought....brum-brum-brum (that's a drum roll)...a DEHYDRATOR. Okay maybe some of you aren't as excited as I am about this but I finally found one here on the island (way cheaper than trying to have one shipped here) at our local Japanese grocery store. I just made fruit leathers, dried apples and dried pineapple. I can't wait to make some sun-dried tomatoes, raisins and other dried fruits...maybe even jerky at some point. Oh the possibilities are endless. And the boys are very excited about the fruit leathers.
~Besides sewing the bears I am also working on the boys costumes for Halloween. They both wanted to be race car drivers. So those pictures will be coming up in a few days.
~Ethan and I went to see Sky Pirates at the local community college's planetarium. It was a cute little cartoon that talked about a few of the constellations and their names. It goes well with our study of Astronomy this year.
~I found a really cool website on crock pot meals. This lady actually has a cookbook out there but her blog features a different crock pot meal for every day- for an entire year. So far we've made yogurt and baked oatmeal...did you know you could bake things in your crock pot? I can't wait to try other recipes. It beats having to turn on an oven and heat up your house when it is already stinkin' hot in the house anyway.
~A friend of mine gave me the cookbook Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld a while ago but I finally got around to actually trying some of the recipes. It's easy for me because it uses a lot of fruit and veggie purees and since I have many purees for Ansley's baby food on hand I just pop a few out of the freezer and throw them in the recipes. So far we have had Applesauce muffins (with applesauce and butternut squash puree), Pink Pancakes (with beet puree), Mac-n-Cheese (with butternut squash puree) and brownies (with spinach and carrot puree). Kind of fun to have a little punch of extra vitamins thrown in. So far my kiddo's have eaten all of them.
~Jude had his first dentist appointment yesterday and he did so well. Both boys came out with perfect teeth...I always worry because there is no fluoride in the water here and they scare you about teeth decay, etc. But Jude was very excited about picking the cookie dough toothpaste to get his teeth "polished" with and I couldn't help but think how gross that sounded to have cookie dough flavor brushed all over my teeth. The amazing thing about our dentist is that he is on the 6th floor of a business building (well that's not the amazing thing) and when you look out the window while having your teeth worked on, you can see the ocean in the distance with its aqua blue water. Pretty amazing and beautiful!
~Our van is in the shop. It has a few "little" things needing to be fixed. Of course those "little" things always cost so much to fix. One of those little things was the outside sliding door handle. I went to open it a few days ago and it broke...not the handle itself breaking off but I seriously broke the handle in half! I guess it's all that lifting/holding a 20 pound baby that, I just didn't realize my own strength. Or maybe it's because the van is a 9 year old van that sits in the hot blazing Hawaiian sun every day and makes plastic very brittle. But I like to think it is actually my muscles that did all the damage.
Okay so nothing real profound or thoughtful but that is what we've been up to. Maybe when I have some real free time (you know the kind where you can have a complete thought without being interrupted?), I can jot down what I've been reading or studying. It's always neat to look back and see how God is trying to grow us as a family.
Off to do some schooling with Ethan.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Notice how the criminal has left the scene?
Monday, October 19, 2009
Your mirrors turn into target practice.

Your floor becomes a parking lot and...

Monday, October 12, 2009
I'm lion...hear me roar!
Thursday, October 08, 2009
t-shirt quilt
Monday, October 05, 2009
my favorite season
The Plumeria flower/tree...they make beautiful, sweet smelling leis.
I can't remember what this is called but it has an amazing scent to it
I believe this is a Heliconia?
Ginger...not to be mistaken for the root.
This tree is so cool looking and I have no idea what it is called.
The Kukui tree flower...
The actual Kukui nut which isn't edible (to my knowledge) but is used in lei's and for it's oil. And we just learned it is our state tree...right in our backyard!
The Ti leaf which is used in some lei's and is used to cook lau lau.
And for some of the fruits you can find in our yard...the Pomegranate.
The Papaya
And the wild tomato plants that grow like crazy...although the tomatoes they produce are small and sour. The birds love them...well and Jude. I just wish I could get my tomato plants to grow like that.
Wait! Is that Fall? Oh, no that tree is always that color. I guess I can just pretend.
Well thanks for coming on the tour. If you made it to the end you must be a lover of plants.