Wednesday, April 08, 2009

how to chew on a toy 101

This is Ansley demonstrating the best way to chew on a toy:

Step 1: First pick out a really bright colored toy that looks really tasty.
Step 2: Bring it up to your mouth...oh wait...your cheek...Step 3: No definitely the mouth.Step 4: Then open your mouth and chew on it...sometimes it helps to use your tongue like a frog if your hand isn't quite cooperating.Step 5: Sometimes if you smile a little it will make everyone around you smile back...that's really fun. Step 6: Then chew on the tasty, plastic toy...blech... Step 7: ...actually that doesn't really taste that good.
Step 8: I thought that was going to taste a lot different than that. Man, all that work and it tastes really gross. I think I will just leave it right here for now.
Next demonstration is going to be "how to spit-up on a freshly laundered shirt that your mommy just dressed you in"...I'm really good at that one.


Jess said...

love the tongue sticking out! :)

ERH said...

those are great pictures!

Malia said...

Love it! She is so cute and you are so funny! I have a picture of Jackson hiding the ring behind his back when he gets tired of it- if I was computer savvy, I could link it here- but I'm not. :) They can teach each other tricks.

Anonymous said...

great photos!!Val