Saturday, February 11, 2012

this girl has spunk

Ansley wanted to put barrettes in her hair all by herself. What I didn't realize was that she wanted to put ALL the barrettes she owned in her hair. And yes, she did go out in public like this because one day it will matter to her how she looks to other people. For right now I can enjoy the fact that she could care less.
And you know all those stories people tell you about what their kids do and you think to yourself "my kid has never done that" (i.e. climb out of the crib, poop in the bathtub, get into the trash can and dump it all over the floor, throwing a screaming tantrum in the middle of the store, etc.). Well we said that until our little Ansley came along. So another thing I can add to that list is that she fell asleep in the hallway for nap time...not once, but twice now.

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