Monday, September 12, 2011

4 months old

Our Lainey is 4 months old! Here is what she is up to:

- she had her first bite of solid food. At first most of it came out of her mouth rather than in but she still loved every bite.
- flips over from back to stomach all by herself.
- she smiles and giggles all the time.

- lots of baby talk and cooing.

- she goes to sleep all on her long as she can suck on her fingers.

- she loves to play with her long as Ansley doesn't try to squeeze her too hard.

- she loves to sit in her exer-saucer.

- she can scoot across her blanket when lying on the floor.


Anonymous said...

What a cutie! I can't believe how much she has changed. She looks so happy and bright-eyed.


Anonymous said...

What a big girl. So cute!! Mimi