Monday, January 04, 2010


I'm not one to usually make new years resolutions but this year I made one...only I'm not starting until this Sunday. Does that still count?

Now this is not for the purpose of becoming the perfect homemaker because if you saw my house on any given day you would not think that of me at all. But the goal is to give me some accountability.

A friend of mine shared this website with me and it has check-off lists for house chores...I am all about check-off lists. It makes me feel like I accomplish so much. Living in a 1200 sq. ft. home with three small children usually makes my cleaning efforts last about 5 seconds, so I can't find satisfaction in the look of a clean home. But check-lists prove that I did do something.

I like these lists because it is just a little here and a little there...not overwhelming at all. But it gets more than the basic laundry, dishes, cooking, etc. done. Stuff like cleaning out the dining room light fixture or wiping down the front of the dish washer. Things I don't normally get around to. I like it because it breaks it all down into manageable chunks so that I'm not just spending my whole day cleaning. I don't have time for that.

So here's to a cleaner house in 2010! Clink, clink!


Joc said...

oh, I love lists too!

Jonesey said...

Those look so fun. I'll be excited to hear how it goes!

Tabitha said...

Thanks so much for posting that link!! I'm not really a resolutions person either, but this year I want to gain some ground in feeling like I am the keeper of my home and to become more organized for everyone's sake. This is awesome and I think it just might work for me!