Monday, December 10, 2007

what do you get?

What do you get when you have 5 boys, ages 5 and under, in the same house all morning long all by yourself?


and this...and lots of car and train noises mixed in with some arguing/screaming noises...which resulted in the trains being put away for the rest of the morning.

We then took a breather to watch Lassie...who needs all the new animated/computerized cartoons when you can watch a fun black and white sitcom that uses words like "gee whiz" and "good gravy".

And by the end they were all fed, happy and ready for a nap. Whew!


kimberlynoele said...

Whew is right! Good work Erin!

Joc said...

I'm exhausted just looking at that picture of all the boys...