Thursday, October 12, 2006

7 months old

I can't believe how fast our little boy is growing. These pictures pretty much sum up all the facial expressions of Jude...the really serious/concentrating very hard face (usually there is the furrowed brow too but he wasn't concentrating that hard in this picture), the blowing raspberries and drooling face, and the big smile with his first little tooth sticking out face.

A little summary of what Jude is up to...

...he is crawling everywhere now. Nothing stops him...except the baby gate or a closed door. He pulls up on anything that has a hand hold....even strangers legs. He even stood alone for a few seconds the other day (I think it was a fluke though). He giggles when tickled and sometimes when his brother does something silly or when daddy plays peek-a-boo. He doesn't really do baby talk yet just kind of a low growl. And he loves to eat anything we give him...he even tries to find the crumbs that Ethan leaves behind. His really new trick is to scream...which is very ear get what he needs. From things like getting Ethan to stop sitting on him to letting us know when he is done in the highchair. Sometimes it's a playful scream which is then followed by a big raspberry and spit flying everywhere. It's amazing how quickly they figure out how to get their way...and use something that is so annoying or disruptive that it's easy to give into definitely grabs our attention. Water has become his favorite thing lately. As soon as you set him in water his little arms start splashing like crazy.

So that is the run down of our little cutie. It's fun to see him become so independent and to see his little personality come out. We look forward to seeing him grow more and more.

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