Tuesday, August 08, 2006

yummy papayas

We've tried giving Jude a variety of foods. We want him to be a good eater like his big brother so hopefully trying new things will help him to not be picky...we'll see. There are papayas growing in our back yard and a friend of mine told me how to make them into baby food, so we gave it a try... as you can see he seems to like them. We've also tried peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, peaches, applesauce, pears...and our next new food to try is the avacado. So far he seems to be a good eater and hasn't turned away any food we've given him. Sometimes we can barely get it to his mouth fast enough.

1 comment:

Clay said...

YEA! Papayas...ours are all green...but I'm glad that Jude is loving them. He looks pretty happy with that orange mess all over his face. :o)