Thursday, December 01, 2011

#6 Ocean and Mountains

I remember last summer when we visited the mainland and I kept expecting to see the ocean every time we drove over a hill. It's funny how that is so normal to me now. I still am in awe when I see the ocean and the amazing aquas, greens and blues of the ocean water. I think I will have to paint a room in our new house those colors just to remind me of Hawaii.
The mountains in Hawaii are so unique...they are incredibly steep and green. They are not the type of mountains you hike (unless you hike the "stairway to heaven" trail), they are always green (because the clouds usually get stuck as they float by and dump all the rain on the mountains), they have waterfalls after a good rain and they have the neatest crevices in the volcanic rock from years of erosion....stunning.


Jonesey said...


Anonymous said...

It is soooooooooooooo beautiful! Where did you get the picture of the shallow, almost clear water?


P.S. We have ponds and swimming pools here :)