My how time flies. So once again I'm going to start a while back to catch up. This is my journal/scrapbook of our lives so bear with me.
Jason has been reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to the boys and earlier this month they got to the chapter on the Turkish Delight that the witch gave to Edmond. So I remembered seeing some at our local discount store (Ross) and bought a bag so the boys could try it out. My memory of it was that is was disgusting and tasted like roses. But this version (probably Americanized) were in citrus flavors and all 3 kiddo's quickly ate their share and wanted more. Ethan told me that he could see why Edmond couldn't stop eating it. Then we had a great lesson on sin and temptation. Gotta love how candy can lead to a lesson of the heart.
Jude not sure at first about Turkish Delight.
I realized it's hard to take pictures of kids eating without it looking like they're hating every bite.
Ansley gave me a great smile...and loving her Turkish Delight.