Thanks to my friend
Kat, I've been tagged. Well I don't think I have enough blogger friends to tag 3 other people but if you would like to play the game, leave me a comment with your closest book. The rules are:
1. Grab the book closest to you.
2. Open to page 123, go down to the fourth sentence.
3. Post the text of the following three sentences.
4. Name the author and book title.
5. Tag three other people to do the same.
"We can learn many lessons from Mary and Martha. Most women are basically 'Marys' or 'Marthas' -- relationship-oriented or task-oriented. Marys have a special ability to be sensitive to the needs and feelings of others, whereas Marthas are the ones who recognize what tasks need to be done and do them."
Leadership for Women in the Church by Susan Hunt and Peggy Hutcheson
I know this isn't part of the game but I thought it helped wrap up the above text..."The blend of these two temperaments gives balance to our ministry."
We're reading this book in our WIC council. But we're far from getting to p.123...we only meet once a month.