Saturday, April 26, 2008

vog, vog go away

What does volcanic ash and no wind cause = VOG. Not fog or smog but vog. It looks as though we have forest fires around us with all the haze...and it is stinkin' hot too. But with the active volcano's on the Big Island that are spewing ash and hazard gases, it's bound to float on over to us. We have scratchy, dry throats and sneezy, drippy noses. I am ready for the trade winds to come back and the bright blue Hawaiian skies to reappear.


Anne said...

No kidding! I feel like I'm back in South Georgia in late August. Yuck!

Anonymous said...

It will make you appreciate all those sunny, breezy, 70-80ish temperatures days that occur day after day after day after day. Mom H