So now I look forward to baking together for the holidays (right now she's more interested in putting her fingers in to test everything we bake together...although the boys are fun to bake with too), going out to tea, watching Anne of Green Gables, going shopping, know all of those fun girl things to do.
Ansley is my girly-girl, more so than I ever was. It's funny that she is just that way. She also has more of that strong-willed/bratty side that has humbled us beyond anything else we have ever faced. We've been overwhelmed and astonished at her disobedience, tantrums, mean spirited behavior at times and the sin that she doesn't try to hide (especially in public). At times it helps show us the sin in our own hearts. She's learning and growing and we just pray that we will rely on the Lord to show us wisdom as we try to raise her and mold her heart to love the Lord, love his Truth and true repentance.
It will be fun to see how God uses her spunky/fiesty personality...beyond our sanctification in trying to raise her. :o)
Those are some cute toes! These are the kids that make us clearly see our need for Christ. :) Hang in there friend.
So true. How fun to do those girly girl things together. Showing your little girl what it means to be a woman.
I love having a girl! And while personalities vary, I see a lot of drama in my child as well. This morning she cried (hard) over mismatched leggings--I told her they clashed and she couldn't go to the Children's Museum in them--and the fact she couldn't have Lucky Charms for breakfast. Lord, give me strength! lol
Pretty feets!
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