Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Jude's creation
After Jude asked me for the millionth time if he can do a "craft", I finally let him pull out the craft box and he came up with this masterpiece. I have to say there is nothing I dislike more than glitter...and even worse glitter glue (cards with glitter drive me nut-so, and the make-up with sparkles...I won't even go there). The sparkles bother me because no matter how much you clean up glitter, there are always specks of it that linger. I'm pretty sure 5 days from now I will still be finding a random speck of glitter stuck to their faces. But I had to let go of my control issues of wanting a glitter free life and let my kids enjoy crafting for a day. Check. We're done for the year now, right?


Joc said...

It's going on the fridge, right? :)

Jolene said...

In my experience, craft time just gets more interesting. If glitter gets you, just wait until they discover scented markers. Little green and orange dots under their noses are just the beginning.

Anonymous said...

I hope I didn't get that for them. Did I? Mimi