Today was Ethan's first day of Kindergarten. It was pretty short since we were just introducing the new books, but Ethan was still excited to be able to say he is a Kindergartner now. If you're wondering why he is starting the last day of June it is so we can take our "summer" when baby comes in December. That's the great thing about homeschooling.
And if you're wondering about the t-shirt he is wearing....Ethan dresses himself now and the shirt was given to us by a former youth group student who now attends that University....not what I would have picked out for the first day of school but I'm just glad he can pick out his clothes and dress himself.
Charlie picks out his own clothes and we get some very special outfits from it. He's always so proud of himself!
He looks so excited about school!
I'm sure you guys will love Kindergarten, your student is so eager! :) I am a little jealous that you have already started on "next" year. I still have about a week of this year to finish up.
He looks so much older as a kindergartener. I hope he can continue to smile when each new school year starts up. Mom H
What a cutie! I love the first day pic--even homeschooling families need to create fun memories like the first day.
I saw Kim a few weeks ago driving down a Lincoln street, by the way. She had a Covenant license plate cover and my folks (alumni) and I figured we had to know most every Covenant alum in the state. Turns out it was Kim! So fun to see her, even at 55 mph. lol.
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